Writing: 3 tips to write more and constantly

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Regardless of whether you are a professionist or not, a constant writing is necessary to obtain your objective as an author. But it’s not always so easy.
As a writer (and avid reader) I’m always searching for good ways to improve my writing time and quality.

Robert Carnes (@jamrobcar), writer and blogger, wrote about it on Medium (https://medium.com/) in his article 8 tips on how to write more in 2020 (https://medium.com/@jamrobcar/8-tips-on-how-to-write-more-in-2020-4ba073e56f4f). Carnes says that it is important to make writing a habit, to prepare for it, setting word goals, leaving outside all of the distractions for that amount of time you are going to dedicate to your work.
You can try by writing in a new format (a short story, a novel, a non-fiction), by joining a writing group, in which you go face to face with other authors like you. Last but not least, he underlines the importance of reminding every single day why do you want to do it; for him, keep answering the why question is fundamental.

Image from pixabay https://pixabay.com/it/photos/grafia-s%C3%BCtterlin-vintage-1362879/

The scottish writer Lauren Grace Evans (@LauGraEva) on her blog This Stuff Is Golden (https://thisstuffisgolden.com/) talks about 9 tips to write more and often (https://thisstuffisgolden.com/9-tips-to-write-more-and-often). She writes that trying to find the right place and time to write can be a great start. Then, what is important is to write everything that is on your mind (it can be a song, a diary…) and turn off all the distractions. What you write doesn’t have to be immediately perfect, you will have the time to fix it. Another good tip for Evans is to read: “reading helps solve a writer’s problem”.

If you want to take the best out of your writing, I would suggest three recommendations:

  1. Write everyday – It is necessary to insert writing in your everyday life, whether it is for 10 minutes or 3 hours.
  2. Find your space – In the last few years I found out that is important to find a good and comfortable place for you where to write.
  3. Read different books – It is useless to say that a good writer is also a good reader and what you have to do it’s to read different genres and authors to better understand writing.

If you are thinking of writing professionally and seriously, keep these 3 tips in mind to better and improve your work.

Daria Bongiorni is a social media manager that worked for many years for an Italian editing house. She holds a master in fashion journalism and she’s now attending a Social Media Marketing specialization at Northwestern University through the Coursera platform. Her will is to learn and pass down the best advice regarding writing.

2 risposte a “Writing: 3 tips to write more and constantly”

  1. Jessica

    This article came up at the right moment!

    "Mi piace"

    1. I’m really happy!!

      "Mi piace"

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