Tag: 2000

  • I love books: Musica dura di Michael Connelly

    I love books: Musica dura di Michael Connelly

    C’è poco da dire, Michael Connelly mi ha presa come qualche anno fa fece Patricia Cornwell con la sua Kay SCarpetta. Adoro il detective della omicidi Harry Bosch e il suo temperamento che a volte fa un po’ infuriare.Il sesto libro di Michael Connelly, e il quinto con Harry Bosch,…

  • It’s lazy playlist day: early 2000s

    It’s lazy playlist day: early 2000s

    If you were born before the birth of the EU, then you should know every song of this week’s playlist. I was 14 when I was listening this songs, dreaming of a future far far away from Italy. Well, I love Italy now, it’s too beautiful, but that dream is…

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