Tag: social media for writers

  • Why You Have Low Engagement on Social Media.

    Why You Have Low Engagement on Social Media.

    In today’s world, social media has become an essential tool for product based businesses, self-published writers, video game developers, etc. However, many find themselves perplexed by low engagement rates on their social media platforms. In this blog post, we will explore the common reasons behind low engagement and provide actionable…

  • Goodreads Power for Your Book Promotion

    Goodreads Power for Your Book Promotion

    Welcome, fellow wordsmiths and book enthusiasts, to the ultimate guide on conquering Goodreads for your book promotion needs. With over 90 million passionate readers worldwide, Goodreads is not just a platform—it’s a gateway to connecting with your target audience and propelling your book to new heights. Let’s dive into the…

  • What happens on social media channels in 2023

    What happens on social media channels in 2023

    Today I’m going to give you my opinion on what’s going to happen on social media in 2023. We already saw in the last year that there’s a lot going on on any single platform. That’s because marketing is changing.

  • Aumentare il rendimento sui social in modo chiaro e semplice: Fall mini-sessions

    Aumentare il rendimento sui social in modo chiaro e semplice: Fall mini-sessions

    Ormai, sappiamo tutti usare i social media. Conosciamo i trucchetti più noti grazie alle centinaia di social media experts che seguiamo. Sappiamo che gli algoritmi sono delle brutte persone. Viviamo ogni giorno immersi in questa nuova realtà. Eppure, abbiamo difficoltà a vendere attraverso i social. O, ancor prima, abbiamo difficoltà…

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