How to stand out on social media

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What happens in one internet minute?

  • 443k $ is spent on Amazon.
  • 167M Titoks are viewed
  • 5.9M things are Googled
  • 3.7M youtube videos are watched
  • 65k photos are uploaded on Instagram

Welcome to the chaos of internet, where everyone is seeking attention creating more and more stuff. Both viewers and creators feel overwhelmed and can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.

There are currently more than 200M creators out there. It’s not difficult to understand why you struggle in growing and finding your ideal client, right?

So what’s the solution?

No, it’s not to create more content on social media!

Find your place out there. Linktree says: get your sh*t together. It’s kind of the same thing.

There are a lot of places where to share your content out there. Will you be on all of them? Will you have the time? Will you be good in doing it? Or will you just copy/paste?

Because this is what I did. I created good content for Instagram and then I started to copy/paste on Linkedin the carousels, on TikTok and Youtube the reels… did something change? Not at all.

Linktree for sure helps in giving you this new type of digital business cards where people find all your links. But are they going to take a look at all of them? Or are there too many links in your Linktree?

Let’s take a step back on social media

  • People attention span today is 1/3 of what was in 2004. This means that they have less time, they want shorter content, they just pay attention to few things
  • your target market is not everywhere.
  • you don’t have a full knowledge of all social media channels.

What can we deduce from all these information?

  • don’t be everywhere. Find 1 or 2 social media channels where you know your audience is and where you know you can create the appropriate content (if you love creating video, Twitter is not ok but TikTok or Instagram yes)
  • use Linktree or Linkinbio in order to have the most important links in one place. Remember: people are most likely to click on the first 3 links, not more!

There’s more: the social media and search engines algorithms

I spend most of my week telling you that you should be transparent, be clear, and be yourself on social media.
Does following those annoying algorithm make you be yourself online?

Algorithms play as Charon with content bringing it from you to users. But what they prioritize most of the time is not what a user would search for. It is what they believe it’s more important.

Am I saying that you have to leave the algorithms behind and just do whatever you want? No. SEO is still important.

What I’m saying is that you don’t have to rely only on it when you create your content. Try to create something without thinking about the algorithms and without thinking about what a specific platforms requires. Would it be different?
Would you speak a different language? Would you interact in a different way?

Following the algorithms and certain tricks to me means that you will see the same content over and over again. I don’t want this. I don’t want my content to be like yours. Because we’re not the same. We have different products, different lives, different brands, different thoughts. So why should we both create a reel dancing in the same why under the same song?

A lot of creators want to be different but feel that they must follow trends or the algorithms otherwise nobody would follow them.


So, take your audience where you want them or join them on their most favourite place.


create your own algorithm. I.E. be yourself and show who you are, what you want to help them with, what’s your story.

Do this with storytelling

What makes you different than me? Your stories and your ideas.
So bring them outside, and don’t forget about simplicity both in how you express yourself and in the experience you offer to your audience.
Storytelling marketing is proven to be the best way for small businesses to stand out from the crowd. And the crowd now it’s huuuuuge!

Own your following

Storytelling helps you to grow your following but then you face the old problem of not “owning” them. If your Instagram account disappears, they disappear with it.

The best action would be to bring them outside: build an email list. It will be all yours (if they don’t choose to unsubscribe!) and it will be the best way in communicating with them in almost a one-to-one way.

Another way? A Discord channel. A really good place where to create a strong relationship with your followers. It’s a chat you can fully customize.

Why am I writing so much?

Where do I want to go? My last stop is SALES. All this brings to sale.
Is it easy? No. It can be a long road.
Is it fun? You can make it fun.
By using a fully customized content strategy that mirrors you and not the algorithms.

It will be difficult, you’ll be in pain. Do it if you really believe in your brand.

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