Categoria: I heart Movies

  • Home-spare-time. Moviemarathon: vikings!

    Home-spare-time. Moviemarathon: vikings!

    I am a couch-potato. This is a guarantee. So I am the best expert in the whole world on activities to do at home. I am trying to learn how to diy, because it’s a kind of art and you can’t use, for example, scissors with the rounded tip, you…

  • It’s movie marathon day: food

    It’s movie marathon day: food

    Don’t you think there is a lot of food in recent movies? Brad Pitt eat a lot in every film, then there are a lot of chocolate movies, sex and food movies, problem with food movies… I can go on for days. I love food, a lot; I love to…

  • It’s movie marathon day: Christmas Time

    It’s movie marathon day: Christmas Time

    It’s Christmas time, I smell the snow perfume in the air… and a lot of pollution. But I cover it all with cinnamon! I love to prepare cinnamon raisin rolls. Well, I love to eat them all year long, but cinnamon smell is a bit Christmassy I think. Ok, I’m…

  • It’s movie marathon day: Monica Bellucci

    It’s movie marathon day: Monica Bellucci

    My November movie marathon is dedicated to one of my favourite women in the World, the charming Monica Bellucci. I’ve always loved her bearing and her beauty. I don’t think she’s the best actress, but she always remains fixed in the mind after you watch a movie with her. Giuseppe…

  • It’s movie marathon day: Halloween!

    It’s movie marathon day: Halloween!

    Ok, it’s October and it’s obviously the pumpkin month, the Halloween month, the falling leaves month… so I think that it is appropriate to dedicate the movie marathon to Halloween. Horror movies are not my favourite but I appreciate some of them. For example, I’m waiting for the exit of It in…

  • It’s movie marathon day: black and white

    It’s movie marathon day: black and white

    A movie marathon about black and white movies is a must, if you don’t like black and white, you don’t like cinema. My opinion. But there is something so romantic and elegant in the black and white movies, even when they talk about a crime. It seems that they are…

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