Tag: Music

  • Voglio una vita hygge

    Voglio una vita hygge

    Immagine di copertina di minimaliv.com. Hygge è una parola danese che racchiude un significato abbastanza complesso: il sentimento, l’atmosfera che permette di vivere un senso di comodità, accoglienza e famigliarità. Non si vive una felicità effimera, ma un tranquillità quotidiana che dà un appagamento a lungo termine. “Ah, quindi il…

  • It’s movie marathon day: Switzerland

    It’s movie marathon day: Switzerland

    I want to dedicate this movie marathon to the country that is hosting my boyfriend and me. I really love Switzerland and Zurich, even if I remember the time in which Italians were not so comfortable here and not welcome (as in many other countries). Luckily, times have changed and…

  • Home-spare-time. Moviemarathon: vikings!

    Home-spare-time. Moviemarathon: vikings!

    I am a couch-potato. This is a guarantee. So I am the best expert in the whole world on activities to do at home. I am trying to learn how to diy, because it’s a kind of art and you can’t use, for example, scissors with the rounded tip, you…

  • New sofa, more laziness

    New sofa, more laziness

    Obviously the photo over the title is not mine, you can find it on the Ikea site (click here to see it and the product). I used it because you know that our living room is almost empty and, how you’ll figure out when you’ll see the photo here under,…

  • Home inspirations: sofa

    Home inspirations: sofa

    It’s time to choose the most important piece of forniture of all the house! The one on which all the ideas come from, the one on which you stay comfortable with your love, the one that goes well with Netflix: the sofa. A house without a sofa is like a…

  • It’s movie marathon day: food

    It’s movie marathon day: food

    Don’t you think there is a lot of food in recent movies? Brad Pitt eat a lot in every film, then there are a lot of chocolate movies, sex and food movies, problem with food movies… I can go on for days. I love food, a lot; I love to…

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